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Category: Mythistoria


The origin and history of coins

In both the East and the West, coinage proper was preceded by more primitive currencies, nonmonetary or semi-monetary, which survived into the historic age of true coins, and may have derived originally


The gold in the past

Gold has always fascinated people and gold is certainly one of the very first metals known. Nobody knows who picked up a gold nugget first but it would have been



Midas was the king of Pessinus, capital of Phrygia, a region in Asia Minor. He was the adopted son of Gordias and Cybele and was well known for his pristine


The Five Ages of Man

Hesiod Wrote About the 5 Ages of Man Hesiod was a Boeotian farmer until the day he met the muses while he was tending sheep. The muses were the 9


Golden Fleece

The epic legend of Jason and his Argonauts, who sailed from Greece to the shores of the Black Sea over three thousand years ago in search of the Golden Fleece,


History of Gold in Fashion

“But gold shines like fire blazing in the night, supreme of lordly wealth” – Pindar, Olympian Odes, c518-438 BC Gold has mythopaeic qualities. Untarnished and endurable, it can be beaten


About Ancient Greek

It is said that when he died, Alexander the Great was asked who was going to be his heir. With his last words, he said to his generals: “The best